VTS-kwalificatie is niet vereist: Actief in jouw sport? Als begeleider in je sportclub, sporter, student LO, Aspirant-Initiator, Initiator, Instructeur B, Trainer B, Trainer A... Iedere sportbegeleider is welkom!

This presentation will introduce coaches to match analysis and the areas in which it can be applied. We will discuss about notational analysis and its importance for the feedback and planning. Also, we will define the concept of performance indicator and describe how to select the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) depending on the objectives of analysis. Finally, the most useful data collection systems will be shown and how to design a data collection tool will be explained.

Docent: Martínez-Gallego Rafael

Rafa Martínez-Gallego holds a PhD in Sports Science and a master’s degree in Research in Sports Sciences. He is currently a professor of a Sports Science Degree at the University of Valencia, and also in various other masters and postgraduate courses. He is a tutor for the level II and III courses of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation, and he is also an ITF qualification international tutor. He is head coach of El Puig Tennis Club (Valencia, Spain). Rafa has participated in numerous international conferences and has published several articles in scientific journals.


dinsdag 23 februari 2021
21:00 - 22:15

Inschrijving gesloten


VTS - Virtueel




7.50 EUR

Max aantal inschrijvingen: 125

Uiterste inschrijfdatum: 22/02/2021


  De Wilde Katleen

  +32 2 209 47 13
