VTS-kwalificatie is niet vereist: Actief in jouw sport? Als begeleider in je sportclub, sporter, student LO, Aspirant-Initiator, Initiator, Instructeur B, Trainer B, Trainer A... Iedere sportbegeleider is welkom!

Adam Commens will present on the strengths of values based coaching and a holistic approach to preparing teams for sustained success. After researching major sporting teams that have achieved long term success, it has become evident that an over arching theme centred around development of a high performance culture was a common tread across all these teams. Comens will explain the process behind developing this culture.

Docent: Commens Adam

Adam Commens is the current high performance director of the Belgian Hockey Federation. He was an Olympic and World Cup medialist as a player for Australia and has been a head coach at the last 3 Olympic Games. In the past 4 years in Belgium he has overseen the most successful period of Belgian Hockey history, highlighted by working with the Natinal Men's Hockey team in their historic World Cup and European Cup victories.


donderdag 04 maart 2021
19:30 - 20:45

Inschrijving gesloten


VTS - Virtueel




7.50 EUR

Max aantal inschrijvingen: 125

Uiterste inschrijfdatum: 03/03/2021


  De Wilde Katleen

  +32 2 209 47 13
